The Power of More Effort
15 October 2015
The difference between hot water to make tea with and steam to power massive engines is only one degree. What could one degree of more effort generate in sales for you?
15 October 2015
The difference between hot water to make tea with and steam to power massive engines is only one degree. What could one degree of more effort generate in sales for you?
17 September 2015
What do you do when the only path to the decision maker is blocked? You’re armed with a name, but no direct telephone number and no email address. Now what?
10 September 2015
So how do small businesses duke it out with bigger companies and punch above their weight to win larger and more profitable contracts?
3 September 2015
Are most people in your industry “doing sales” in the same way as you? Then you are predictable to your prospect and they are blind to you. How could you disrupt the expectations of your prospects?
27 August 2015
One reason some salespeople fail is they see sales as a game. When they close a deal, they score. If there is no sale, the prospect wins. What if selling isn’t a game? What if it is much more than that?
20 August 2015
How about doing a bit of “swot-ting” up. Applying this well-known formula – strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and strengths – to you; the goal for which is to help you to improve.
6 August 2015
We live in a world where we have almost unlimited sources of reference available to help the earnest salesperson and yet some key aspects are overlooked; this is part one of three studies on the subject.
30 July 2015
What sort of false assumptions could a salesperson hold that could limit his performance and results? Well plenty of schemas for sure. What is a schema you might ask, well read on…
23 July 2015
Emotional Intelligence (EI), can be summed up like this: It’s the ability to “identify and manage your own emotions and the emotions of others.” And there are at least three problems with that…
16 July 2015
The movie, The Enemy Below, is about the battle between two captains, one on a destroyer; the other a submarine. Both are good, cunning and suspicious. What can it teach us about the psychology of buying?
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